Design proposal video pitch



  1. Good day Zhi Sheng,

    Good effort on the video! We enjoyed your pacing throughout the video. When giving a pitch, try to avoid using formal/written language such as "in conclusion", rather switch to a more conversational style. The volume of the video was also lacking and try to be more relaxed and give more hand gestures. Good watch!

    1. Hi Gordan, thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to watch my video pitch. I appreciate your positive comments on my pacing and will definitely take your advice on board regarding using a more conversational style and avoiding formal language like "in conclusion."

      I'll also work on improving the volume of my voice and incorporating more relaxed hand gestures in future presentations.

      Your insights are valuable to me, and I'll strive to implement them to enhance my pitching skills further.

      Thanks again for your constructive feedback!


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